MINGSWARE CORPORATION on yksi tunnettu valmistajien, toimittajien ja viejien Stainless Steel Wire Mesh, kanssa tehtaan Taiwan. Vuosien kokemus linja tehdä, olemme tunnettuja erinomaisen suorituskyvyn alalla. Olemme auttaneet itsemme yhdeksi johtavaksi Taiwan. Olemme jatkuvasti päivittää tuotteitamme vastaamaan kansainvälisiä standardeja. Pidämme joukko ammattilaisia​​, joka antaa ajoissa toimitusten korkean quality.Our vilpittömästi ja kova työ on auttanut meitä vastaamaan laatu kansainvälisten standardien.


We are Ming's group which is the leader super fine wire manufacturer in Taiwan that integrated producers of Diamond Drawing Dies, Fine Drawn Stainless Wires, Stainless Steel Spiral Scourers and engineered Knitted Mesh Industrial & Automotive Components. Our factory located in Tainan, Taiwan with an area over 15,000 square meters and have employs more than 100 people. We also have an office in Taipei which deal with export business.

Our factory was established in 1960 and in 1967, we introduced Japanese technology and became the natural diamond dies pioneer of Taiwan. In 1984, Japanese equipments were imported to start the Stainless Steel Wire production. We have over 30 years experience for making Stainless Steel Wire and relative products. In 1998, English BSI ISO 9001 QC certification was approved for Stainless Steel Wires. Knitted Mesh department was established in 2002 and in this short time has achieved excellent customer’s satisfaction. In 2008, we also got ISO 9001:2008 (CNS12681) certification for Kintted Mesh products.

Our competitive advantages are Quick Material Supplying, Super Fine Technology, Good Wire Flattening Technology, Our Owned Knitting Technology, Precise Fabricating, Good Service Attitude and Customs Specification & Design Welcome. We specialized in AISI 304, 304L, 309, 310, 316, 316L & 430 etc. Stainless Steel Fine Wire within the range Dia. 0.70mm ~ 0.020mm. Japanese made Annealing Furnaces and Winding Machines were used to guarantee wire’s quality and spooling. We have good experience in supplying wires for knitting, weaving, braiding and rope making, specialized in Hard Drawn Wire for braiding and have been supplying to manufacturers in Europe and Japan for long time.

Our major customer base is global, supplying to Europe, Asia, Australia and North America.

Vilpittömyytemme ja kova työ ovat auttaneet meitä vastaamaan laatua

Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

kansainvälisten standardien kanssa. Mukaan erilaisia ​​valmistuksen tarpeisiin, tarjoamme täydellisen palveluita sinulle.